Welcome to 2025 everyone! The Ten Penners is happy to welcome two new members to our group.
I asked for an introduction from both ladies, here is the first one from Tenille Rowe.
Ten Eel - Tenille Rowe
Good evening Penners,
Thought I would take the opportunity of a (finally!) sleeping household to introduce myself.
I haven't much to share in the way of writing experience - I've won a few poetry competitions, and have amateurishly dabbled in short story challenges, playwriting and songwriting. I have enjoyed a love of storytelling and the written word since my earliest memories. I can recall being in raptures discovering bush poetry for the first time, and being spirited away every time my Grandpa would recite Henry Kendall's "Bell-Birds", "Clancy of the Overflow" or "How McDougall Topped the Score".
When my daughter was born amidst COVID lock-down, it reignited my passion for reading through sharing all her firsts with her. Then, one rainy day when our walls felt a touch too confining, we were reading Lynley Dodd and A.A. Milne, enjoying the rhythm of their work... and we suddenly disappeared into a creativity rabbit hole. By the end of the day my little muse and I had mapped out an entire children's book series. I haven't been able to turn the tap off my (borderline intrusive) creative daydreaming since! Alas, I returned to work, and it wasn't until we happened upon The Ten Penners at the Beenleigh Book Fest that I really considered taking myself seriously as a writer. I feel like I'm answering a long-awaited siren call and am now passionately invested.
So that's a bit about my journey to the present. My little family (husband, daughter and two large rescue dogs) moved from North Brisbane to the GC-Brisbane corridor in June last year. I work in Brisbane as a Psychologist and my husband works on the GC, so we landed our dream home roughly in the middle. Between our property and the antics of my entirely chaotic 3-year-old, I am never without inspiration for another story.
My favourite authors include Bryce Courtenay, Brian Jacques, Emily Rodda, Glenda Larke, Cecilia Dart-Thornton, Tolkien, Roald Dahl, Melina Marchetta, Jodi Picoult, Lucy Diamond, among many others. I also enjoy becoming engrossed in songs that are poetry to music - John Williamson and Dr Hook being some of my first loves.
Thank you for the warm welcome to the group - I can already tell how lucky I am to be a part of it, and I greatly look forward to getting to know everyone throughout 2025!
